
Write For Us!

50% blinkingHoustonNewMedia.org, an online magazine-style local news journal / aggregator for the greater Houston, Texas area is now offering 50% ad revenue sharing to all contributing authors* to encourage a large and diverse group of guest bloggers to write for us, to receive many posts from contributors and attract new users to the site.

We believe everyone has something to contribute. Now, each author’s own advertisements will be displayed for all their posts on our site, 50% of the time.

This is achieved with the help of the open source Ad Sharing plugin, originally published by WPMUDEV. This plugin helps HoustonNewMedia.org give rewards to contributors in terms of ad revenue. The plugin adds a field to each contributing authors’ profile for inserting their own ad code. Administrators have set the percentage of how much the admin ad is displayed at 50%.

Ad Sharing is a win / win / win solution for HoustonNewMedia.org, its readers, and authors. Authors get an unlimited residual income stream for life, in addition to exposure of their content to our network of sites! The website gets a revenue stream and fresh content.

How to Participate

Publish your articles and earn!

1. Register for this site as an Author at https://www.houstonnewmedia.org/register/ . All new users default to Author level automatically to enable this unique ad sharing opportunity for everyone.

2. Enter Your Ad Code In Your Profile
Obtain a Google Publisher ID from Adsense.Google,.com
To find your unique AdSense publisher ID number, log into your AdSense account at http://www.google.com/adsense. You may see your ID one the upper right of the page like the image. Or, on the Account settings tab, scroll down to the Account information section.
-OR- Obtain ad code from any other site or network, or even your own site or business. It’s your ad space.

Log in to HoustonNewMedia.org and go to your user Profile. Find the Advertising menu in your user profile.  Enter your ad code into your profile. Authors who don’t set up their own ads will not receive ad impressions or ad revenue, so please don’t forget to complete this step!

3. Post as often as possible to this site to increase the number of posts where your ads will be displayed 50% of the time.

*Ads are subject to admin approval, and filtered for decency and security. Authors using Google Adsense code must, of course, have a Google Adsense Publisher ID and comply with Google Adsense’s Terms of Service. Maximum 3 Adsense ads per page. Do not click on your own Adsense ads. Read Google Adsense TOS Here: https://www.google.com/adsense/localized-terms. Revenue will come through contributors’ own Adsense Publisher ID from Google, or through the network of their choice based on the ads they post, not from this website.