
Search Results for: Civic Center

Houston, TX: houston civic collaboration center

howdy, at the suggestion of some of the mods during the primaries earlier this year, i’m playing around with developing a web resource for civic action (as a hobby) rather than spamming this group with infographics. (background: i’m a former journalist who now works in tech, and i’m passionate about ways to improve my community without necessarily getting all dogmatic about any one thing).

questions for y’all:

are there any topics you’re curious / happy / exasperated about that you’d like someone to look into? most of the time we get pissed at something and then move on, but i’m really looking to link that PO’ed feeling with some action directed to the right department / public official / place — yes, even if i personally disagree.

or maybe you just want to know more about how our system works and where you can push/pull the levers? garbage cans at your neighborhood park always full? potholes need filling? scared of the next power grid failure (how does that even work by the way?)? What’s the difference between City Council, County Commissioners Court, District Attorney, Texas Senators, Representatives, and everything else?

drop your questions below, and i’ll pick one of the topics as a trial run to publish some info.

(here’s what i’ve got so far: https://youarehou.github.io/)

submitted by /u/believnav
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